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Auramatic Greens

Auramatic Greens is the manufacturer and exporter of Raw and Exfoliated vermiculite in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. It is a company dedicated to popularize exfoliated vermiculite above other substitutes and to develop value added products such as organic compost, animal feed pre-mix products(medicinal & nutritional), light-weight concrete blocks, re-usable fire lighters, insulation boards, refractory bricks and fireproof sprays.

It also aims to make exfoliated vermiculite products accessible to the local farmers. Vermiculite is a multi¬purpose mineral that has various applications across different industries including agriculture, construction and industrial fields.

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Why Choose us

Our culture is based on...


Work Ethic

Our Work ethic, the professionalism and experience of our staff all go into that. Everyone has responded well.

Professional Behavior

We stay dedicated, consistent, committed and positive to our work. That ensures success & is often communicable with other and puts some extra effort.


Endurance is not just the ability to bear hard things, but the greatest strength is the spirit of endurance.

Transparency in Communication

Trust, honesty, humility, transparency and accountability are the building blocks of a positive reputation.

Partnership Spirit

Honest and open communication. Accept the challenges each other faces.
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Inclusive Relation

We indicates a climate in which respect, equity, and positive recognition of differences are all cultivated.